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Hello, I am Sara -

HR professional at Amazon

I design tomorrow’s experiences using data, creative thinking and a bit of personality.

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case studies

Check out my latest work!


Revolutionizing Connectivity:
Amazon Global internal tool re design

With 30M hits a month, and 2M employees meta data, Phonetool is the most used tool in Amazon.
I have re designed the main page to simplify

the customer experience.



Launching a new business:
Career coach website

I designed and developed a responsive website (in Webflow) to create online visibility, and positioning the new brand on the market.


Design of a competitive website:
Party organizer landing page

I designed and developed a responsive landing page on Tilda.

Client request was to create a competitive website for their studio.

90 days UI Challenge

Hypy4accademy launched a 90-day UI challenge and I have accepted it!

Every day for the next 90 days I am committed to designing a user interface prompt that will help me level up my design skills.

At the end of this period, I will revisit some of my work and re-design it applying the new skills I have gained through practice. 

From HR professional to

UX/UI designer!

How my Human Resources experience at Amazon made me a better designer

Navigating HR challenges, over the past 4 years at Amazon, showed me a universal truth. Every customer seeks a resolution to their problems!
In this time, I sharpened my abilities to pinpoint core issues and take decisions based on solid data. In a way, understanding the customers problem became second nature to me as my goal was to ensure they would be paid on time and correctly.

Once I have decided to move into UX/UI design, I've realized that designing a new website or implementing HR strategies, have the same common goal which is to satisfy the user and make sure their problem is solved.

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People who worked with me said

Charles, Amazon 2023

“I have always appreciated Sara's ability to deliver results. She is always focusing on the quality of work rather than the quantity while considering the customer needs first. Her obsession to create a positive outcome for the customers and the stakeholders provides inspiration and hope that her approach can be replicated in every team."

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